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Loan Servicing

Loan Servicing Department


For questions related to existing mortgages

Toll Free: (844) 209-7424
Direct: (404) 991-5105
Email: [email protected]  

It is Angel Oak’s intention to contract with a subservicer(s) who collects payments from borrowers, as well as hold the escrow accounts for taxes and insurance. The subservicer is also responsible for paying the taxes and insurance timely.

Know Your Rights:
Having a problem making your mortgage payment? If your Subject Property is located in the State of California, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS BECAUSE YOU HAVE RIGHTS!

Effective January 1, 2013, the California Homeowner Bill of Rights (HBOR) was enacted to ensure fair lending and borrowing practices for California homeowners. The intention of CA HBOR is to assist Borrower(s), who are struggling to make his or her mortgage payments, by exploring options that may be available in efforts to avoid foreclosure.

Depending on your financial situation and/or circumstances, some of the options that may be available include, but are not limited to, certain programs such as Loan Modifications and other Making Home Affordable (MHA), Assistance Programs (e.g. “U.S. Treasury’s Home Affordable Program (HAMP)” or “Home Affordable Alternatives (HAFA)” ).

If you are a Borrower protected under the California HBOR and wish to explore options that may be available, please contact our AOMS Loan Servicing Department. Toll Free: (844) 209-7424.

Please be aware that having certain financial documents on hand will assist the representative when discussing options available for avoiding foreclosure. Some of the financial documents include, but are not limited to, your most recent Paystubs, W-2’s, Bank Statements, Tax Returns, etc.

You may also want to consider contacting the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Toll Free: (800) 569-4287, to find a HUD-Certified Housing Counseling Agency who may provide additional guidance regarding financial situations and/or circumstances.

Have a question about an existing loan? Click here



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